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Загрязнение окружающей среды ID работы - 617525 английский язык (контрольная работа) количество страниц - 20 год сдачи - 2012 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: Environmental pollution Contents Introduction 3 Air pollution 5 Overview 5 Causes 5 Greenhouse effect 6 Effects 8 Solutions 9 Water pollution 10 Overview 10 Causes 10 Effects 11 Solutions 12 Soil contamination 13 Overview 13 Causes 14 Effects 15 Solution 16 Conclusion: what can people do to stop pollution? 19 References 20 ВВЕДЕНИЕ: Introduction A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damage the environment. Pollution can be in the form of chemical substances, or energy such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or energies, but are considered contaminants when in excess of natural levels. Pollution is often categorized into point source and nonpoint source pollution. The problem of protecting the nature is of primary importance today. Through their daily activities people pollute and contaminate land, water and air. If it continues the damage may become irreversible. It is known far and wide that pollution has ac companied mankind ever since groups of people first assembled and remained for a long time in one place. But pollution was not a serious problem as long as there was enough space available for each individual or group. With the establishment of permanent human settlements pollution became a problem and has remained one ever since. With the rise of advanced technology, the rapid spread of industrialization and the increase of human populations pollution has become a universal problem. The price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed. Major forms of pollution and major polluted areas The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular pollutants relevant to each of them: • Air pollution, the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common examples include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. • Water pollution via runoff, leaching to groundwater, liquid spills, wastewater discharges, eutrophication and littering. • Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground storage tank leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons. • Radioactive contamination, added in the wake of 20th century discoveries in atomic physics. • Noise pollution, which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar. • Light pollution, includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference. • Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash or municipal solid waste. • Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant. The Blacksmith Institute issues annually a list of the world's worst polluted places. In the 2007 issues the ten top nominees are located in Azerbaijan, China, India, Peru, Russia, Ukraine and Zambia. Every environmental problem has causes, numerous effects, and most importantly, a solution. Further, we discuss some of them. Air pollution Overview Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their way into the air. Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere. These dangerous substances can be either in the form of gases or particles. Air pollution can be found both outdoors and indoors. Pollutants can be trapped inside buildings, causing indoor pollution that lasts for a long time. The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. As one might expect, humans have been producing increasing amounts of pollution as time has progressed, and they now account for the majority of pollutants released into the air. Air pollution has been a problem throughout history. Even in Ancient Rome people complained about smoke put into the atmosphere. The effects of air pollution are diverse and numerous. Air pollution can have serious consequences for the health of human beings, and also severel СПИСОК ЛИТЕРТУРЫ: References 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution 2. http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ 3. http://library.thinkquest.org Цена: 1000.00руб. |
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