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Основы российской экономики и безработица Bases of the Russian economy

ID работы - 607980
английский язык (контрольная работа)
количество страниц - 19
год сдачи - 2012


The contents:
Introduction 3
1. Concept of the approaches to bases of the Russian economy 4
2. Economic processes underlying the Russian economy 5
2.1 Reforms after disintegration of the USSR 5
2.2 Antiinflationary policy. 7
2.3 Privatization processes 8
2.4 Overcoming of transformational recession 11
2.5 Integration in a world economy 12
3. Basis of the Russian market of work 13
3.1 Basis of development of the market of work 13
3.2 Unemployment in Russia 15
The conclusion 17
Bibliography 19


In a basis of the Russian economy the process of its reforming lays. In the economic theory deep transformations of the forms and methods of managing, managements of economy it is accepted to name as economic reforms. Such reforms distribute their actions to the forms and property attitudes, planning and regulation, organizational structures of management, price formation, financing and crediting, taxation, payment of work, management of social processes. As a whole transformations spent during economic reforms are divided on:
• organizational, concerning the organizational and legal forms of economy management, of economic activity;
• institutional, connected with methods, rules, norms of management of the property, work, finance, social sphere, foreign economic relations and other economic institutes (spheres, areas of economy and economic relations).
Let's note, that there is no precise criterion and threshold of depth of transformations of managing system allowing to approve that such transformations represent economic reform, instead of simple change, perfection of organization and methods of management. The reforming of bases of the Russian economy means cardinal changes, transition to other qualitative condition of all control system of the national economy.
The economic reforms become inevitable or as a result of shocks of political system, including connected with entry in a critical condition of economy, when becomes extreme clear what to operate by economy "in an old fashion" it is already impossible. In the latter case approaching economic, financial crisis, significant reduction of economic rates growth, stagnation, fall of efficiency, decrease of a standard of living cause to life reforming. It is important to understand, because in relation to the Russian economic reforms of 90 years many admirers of socialist (communist) system of economy conducting have developed belief, that the reform has caused an economic crisis, instead the crisis has resulted an inevitability of reforming. Another matter, that during reforming a crisis condition of economy has gone deep, the negative processes partially caused by unsuccessful realization of reform were showed. At the same time it is necessary to understand, that without reforms, destruction of bases of the Russian economy could be deeper, and economic situation will be catastrophic.
In the present work the theoretical analysis of bases of the Russian economy, its reforming and its influence on economic processes, in particular unemployment is submitted.
1. Concept of the approaches to bases of the Russian economy
Each country is unique and is original. Nevertheless, in the theory and in practice of realization of market reforms it is possible to allocate two concepts resisting each other. One of them refers to as "gradualism", and second - "shock therapy". The expression "shock therapy" is borrowed from medicine and is not the strict scientific term for a designation of economic processes. However it successfully describes radical market transformation characteristics and consequently is widely used in the economic literature.
Gradualism - the concept assumes realization of reforms slowly and consistently, step by step. But not only it distinguishes the given concept Gradualism sees the state as a source of market transformations. According to this concept the state guided the long-term strategic program of reforms, should gradually replace elements of administrative - command economy with the market relations. At last, one more distinctive feature of the gradualist approach is the aspiration to soften economic and social consequences of reforms and to avoid sharp decrease of a vital level of the population.
In a basis of modern Russia market economy creation is the "shock therapy". This concept is based on ideas of monetarism, modern variant of the liberal market theory. Monetarism recognizes that the market is the most effective form of economic activity. The market is capable to self-organizing. Therefore monetarsts approve, that the transformations of the transitive period should occur to the minimal participation of the state. The main task of the state is to support the stability of a financial system, because the market can not exist without stable monetary unit.
The financial policy of government in the period of "shock therapy" should provide so-called rigid budget restrictions. It means, that the enterprises can spend only that will earn. As to huge burdens for the population from sharp rise in price of life, monetarists consider, that it is better to pass quickly the period of the high prices, than to drag out the financial stabilization for long years.
2. Economic processes underlying the Russian economy
Among numerous changes occurring in the transitive period, some of them carry necessary, inevitable character and consequently can be considered as a law. There are five: change of the state role, macroeconomic stabilization, privatization, transformational recession, integration in a world economy. They are in a basis of the Russian economy.
2.1 Reforms after disintegration of the USSR


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